
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

No Sew Curtains - Nursery!

Hello Everyone and Happy Thanksgiving Eve! :)  It already smells so good in my house, thanks to my awesome Mother In Law who is preparing some dishes tonight. :) I am here to bring you some more news about the nursery and where we are today!  Already moving forward with everything pretty quickly.  

So you remember on my last post when I talked about some curtain panels I wanted from Target.  Here they are here.  It was the exact color pink I wanted and I just loved the simplicity of them...Not to mention the price!  Hello $20!  Well they have been out of stock for so long, I decided to make my own.  I was done waiting.  I went to Hobby Lobby and found the perfect color pink AND it was only $2.99 a yard.  I needed 6 yards so that makes the price = $18.00.  Cheaper then Target (plus I was going to have to pay shipping!). I used stitch witchery, so no sewing and done so quick and looks awesome.  Also, I don't really like using the curtain ring clips that you can buy, plus that's just an added expense so I made my own little loop at the top to secure them on the curtain rod.  Once again, so simple and these babies look like the real deal :)  Here is how I did it - and you can do it too!!

First, measure out your fabric on the floor (seen below) and then cut the length you need.

Next, you'll lay your fabric on the ironing board and give it a good iron to get all the wrinkles out.  Pick an end of the fabric and fold the fabric over as much as you need to make a loop to hang up your curtains.  

Put the stitch witchery under the fold and iron.

Now you have a nice little loop across the top of your curtains to hang them up.

 I had to hem the bottoms of the curtains just a tad, but here is the final product!

 I love the way it looks against the gray and all the white!  Perfect!  You would never know these were hand made (if I do say so myself..) :) Also, we bought the mirror for above the dresser!  Garden Ridge Pottery, baby!  Good deals and awesome mirror.  Seen below - Check out the detail.

 Obviously haven't hung it up yet, but we will.  We also bought the glider and ottoman! :)  Free shipping.  Should be here in a week or so.  Can't wait to show you guys!  Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and enjoyed the new updates.  More to come.  I am making the crib skirt tonight so I will be back soon with that tutorial and new look to the crib.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nursery Update!

Hey All!  So sorry I have been MIA lately - We were out of town all last week because my sister in law, Susie, got married and I was her Matron of Honor and Liam was the ring bearer and Scott was a groomsmen :) Yes, it was a family affair!

Yes, we look so cute! :) Liam and I were gone for the whole week and then Scott joined us at the end of the week so while we were gone, he put the crib together and picked up the dresser from the guy we bought it from on Craigslist.  I did a few things last night and I was able to hang them up in her room so I wanted to share the progress as we are today!  
Here is her name on the wall :)  I simply bought some letters for $1.99 at Michaels and painted them pink and then added the white dots because her room is kind of a "polka dot" theme.  Just little hints of that around the room. Those frames are from Ikea for $3.99 a piece.
Here we have our naked window that is in dessssppppparate need of some curtains.  Ok, so I have the ones I want picked out - they are from Target and they are the PERFECT color pink (Barely Pink) but they are out of stock online (& not for sale in store) and have been out of stock for months! I'm getting impatient...  
The crib :)  Love it!  Scott put it together and its from Wal-Mart - we got an awesome deal.

Close up of her name on the wall

Ok, in this corner will be the glider and ottoman.  Have that picked out as well from Target, just haven't purchased it yet.  But that's the spot for it!

Yay!  Our awesome 9 drawer dresser made from real wood - A Craigslist find from some guy that refinishes dressers and repaints them. - So nice :)  Just need to add some liners in the dresser

Little project I did.  Repainted this frame I had, white, then added the scrapbook paper then taped her sonogram pictures to it - Voila! Instant, free art.  I'll eventually change out the sonogram pics and put pics of her in there.
So there you have it!  It's coming along.  We just need to make a few more purchases.  The rug, the glider & ottoman, the curtains, a mirror and then of course some miscellaneous items.  Also need to add some more art to the walls and get a cute lamp.  We're on our way!

Thanks for reading and I hope to have some more updates soon :)


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Night & Some nursery updates

Good Morning, everyone!  I hope everyone had a great Halloween!  Let's just say I am glad it's over!  I was so exhausted after the little pirate went to bed.  Which wasn't until 9:15...I let him have ONE dum dum and ONE piece of chocolate and he was literally running in circles around the house.  This is why he doesn't eat candy and/or sugar!  But he had such a great time trick or treating.  He was a pirate this year (his choice). Here are a few pics of him getting ready...I was trying to put black eye liner on him..wasn't happening.  I also drew a little mustache on him :)

So here he is all done - 

He did so good going up to the houses and saying "trick or treat!"  He loved it, he just kept saying it over and over.  

Overall, it was a great night.  Apparently, our neighborhood is THE place for kids (and old teenagers) to go trick or treating.  I have never seen so many kids and people in my life!  We went through alllll of our candy pretty quick.  Glad its over! :)  Next year for Halloween, I'll have an 8 month old AND a 3 1/2 year old to take around :)

We bought our crib yesterday! YAY!  And the mattress, but that isn't that exciting.  We got it from Wal-Mart.  Very pretty and had great reviews so we bit the bullet and got it.  Scott has also starting painting the nursery.  It looks so good!  He just wants to do one more coat and we are done!  Here is a sneak peek:

It's kinda hard to tell the color, but it is the exact gray I wanted.  With all the light pink and white, it is going to be so pretty!  I'll be posting some more pics hopefully tomorrow when the hubby finishes painting today after work :)  Yes, I am a slave driver! 

Christmas is right around the corner!! Yay! :)  Take care everyone!
