
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dining Room Changes

Merry Christmas & Happy New Years Everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and you're now getting ready for a new year.  I know I am!  I'm getting ready for this baby to come out pretty soon (another month, maybe..).  The Christmas decorations have come down :(  It was sad taking it all down because I just felt like I put them up only a month ago!  Why can't we keep our Christmas decorations up all year round?? :) Just kidding...that would be weird.

So we've actually made quite a few changes around the abode in the past few weeks.  Some big (not really) and some small.  Mostly small.  Like painting the hallway that leads from the dining room to the kitchen, painting the half bath (that needed it so dang bad!!), buying a few new things for the living room and moving some things around, adding some huge, tall mirrors in our entry way on the stairs, and then what this post is about; the dining room.  Nothing major, just wanted to show you how pretty it looks now, now that is more complete. But let's take a look at what it looked like before I re-styled it.

And now here she is in all her glory!

This is what you see when you walk in.  I moved the two end chairs to the corners of the room and would like to get some little pillows for them so they don't look so naked.  I have set the table for four.  Below, you will see the new set up on the table.

The table runner is new and it's from Home Goods.  The gray place mats are also new, also from Home Goods.  The vases are the same and the candle holder in the middle is from Ross I bought over Christmas time.  Now I hope you notice what's in it...Yep! Sparkly, silver ornaments.  They are staying. :)  I think they look so pretty and really go with the room.

I decided to place the holder on top of my Tiffany plate that I got from a dear friend when I got married.  It is just so beautiful, how can you not show it off in a dining room?  I got some new art pieces for the big wall from Kirklands (allllll on sale).

Pretty, huh?  The colors in those pictures go perfectly.  I'm pretty sure it was meant to be.  Oh and because I got them both for $10.99 @ Kirklands.  I just fell in love with the scrolly looking piece.  It totally mimics the scrolls on the rug.  Overall, very satisfied with the big wall.  I have a mirror I bought on Amazon awhile ago that normally hung over our fire place.  Well that mirror was replaced by a MUCH better one (also from Kirklands on sale, more on that on another post). So I decided to stick her in the dining room.

Looks better there, for sure.  Here is another view from the hallway.

Oh, P.S. Those white plates on the place mats are from Target.  They are plastic and only cost $1.79 a piece! I really didn't think it would matter if they were plastic...We aren't really going to eat on them, they just for show!

So those are some changes in the dining room!  Hope you like what we've done.  Like I said, we have some other changes in the house I will show you soon.  Have a great New Year's and see you next year! :)


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Additions to the nursery!

Hey Everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope everyone has started decorating for Christmas! :)  We put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving and started decorating the house for a few days after that.  I love this time of year, I mean, who doesn't!?  The only thing I could do WITHOUT is the extra traffic, the extra long lines everywhere & the rude people who are not considerate during this time of year..Wow, I sound like Scrooge :) I'm just kidding, that's just what you get at the end of the year. 

To the nursery - We have made some more additions to the room since the last post.  We finally got the glider in (thanks Mommy!) and Scott put that together with the help of Liam, of course.  We got our rug in too!  Both on the same day.  I decided to get a white rug.  I just couldn't find anything that matched what I wanted in my head!  So white it was and I am so glad- it looks so pretty with the pinks and the gray and the white furniture.  We got the bumper and the sheet for the bed because remember, I am making the crib skirt.  I will have a post about that soon.  I need to finish making it!  I know-this is a busy time of year, people! The more I look at the curtains, I just love them even more! Here are a few pictures of what we have so far.  Oh, we also hung up the awesome mirror too. 

Liam helping his Dad
Ummmm...Be-still my heart! Look at them! :)
Here she is in all her glory

The bumper in the crib, just not "hooked" up yet

The new rug! Perfect size for this room. Pretty much fits the entire walking space so you're always standing on soft, cushy-ness. :)
So that's where we are right now.  I still have a few things I was going to paint and hang up and I still can't decide what to put on one wall.  I'm thinking some nice long white shelves - You can never go wrong with shelves.  We'll see, still deciding.  I hope y'all like the additions to the nursery!  Crib skirt to come and some wall accessories.  So, to be continued!

Have a great day and an upcoming weekend!  Get some Christmas shopping done! :)
