
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Night & Some nursery updates

Good Morning, everyone!  I hope everyone had a great Halloween!  Let's just say I am glad it's over!  I was so exhausted after the little pirate went to bed.  Which wasn't until 9:15...I let him have ONE dum dum and ONE piece of chocolate and he was literally running in circles around the house.  This is why he doesn't eat candy and/or sugar!  But he had such a great time trick or treating.  He was a pirate this year (his choice). Here are a few pics of him getting ready...I was trying to put black eye liner on him..wasn't happening.  I also drew a little mustache on him :)

So here he is all done - 

He did so good going up to the houses and saying "trick or treat!"  He loved it, he just kept saying it over and over.  

Overall, it was a great night.  Apparently, our neighborhood is THE place for kids (and old teenagers) to go trick or treating.  I have never seen so many kids and people in my life!  We went through alllll of our candy pretty quick.  Glad its over! :)  Next year for Halloween, I'll have an 8 month old AND a 3 1/2 year old to take around :)

We bought our crib yesterday! YAY!  And the mattress, but that isn't that exciting.  We got it from Wal-Mart.  Very pretty and had great reviews so we bit the bullet and got it.  Scott has also starting painting the nursery.  It looks so good!  He just wants to do one more coat and we are done!  Here is a sneak peek:

It's kinda hard to tell the color, but it is the exact gray I wanted.  With all the light pink and white, it is going to be so pretty!  I'll be posting some more pics hopefully tomorrow when the hubby finishes painting today after work :)  Yes, I am a slave driver! 

Christmas is right around the corner!! Yay! :)  Take care everyone!


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