
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Additions to the nursery!

Hey Everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope everyone has started decorating for Christmas! :)  We put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving and started decorating the house for a few days after that.  I love this time of year, I mean, who doesn't!?  The only thing I could do WITHOUT is the extra traffic, the extra long lines everywhere & the rude people who are not considerate during this time of year..Wow, I sound like Scrooge :) I'm just kidding, that's just what you get at the end of the year. 

To the nursery - We have made some more additions to the room since the last post.  We finally got the glider in (thanks Mommy!) and Scott put that together with the help of Liam, of course.  We got our rug in too!  Both on the same day.  I decided to get a white rug.  I just couldn't find anything that matched what I wanted in my head!  So white it was and I am so glad- it looks so pretty with the pinks and the gray and the white furniture.  We got the bumper and the sheet for the bed because remember, I am making the crib skirt.  I will have a post about that soon.  I need to finish making it!  I know-this is a busy time of year, people! The more I look at the curtains, I just love them even more! Here are a few pictures of what we have so far.  Oh, we also hung up the awesome mirror too. 

Liam helping his Dad
Ummmm...Be-still my heart! Look at them! :)
Here she is in all her glory

The bumper in the crib, just not "hooked" up yet

The new rug! Perfect size for this room. Pretty much fits the entire walking space so you're always standing on soft, cushy-ness. :)
So that's where we are right now.  I still have a few things I was going to paint and hang up and I still can't decide what to put on one wall.  I'm thinking some nice long white shelves - You can never go wrong with shelves.  We'll see, still deciding.  I hope y'all like the additions to the nursery!  Crib skirt to come and some wall accessories.  So, to be continued!

Have a great day and an upcoming weekend!  Get some Christmas shopping done! :)


1 comment:

  1. them working together is TOO CUTE!

    that nursery is really coming together! :)
