
Monday, June 6, 2011

The big reveal - The Foyer

Hello Friends!  I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!  Boy was I busy!  Saturday was a looooong day.  Had to make a trip to Home Depot in the morning (where I almost got in a fight with some dumb lady!) and then it was back to the house to start my foyer makeover.  Some big news...My sister-in-law (hubby's sis) & one of my bestest friends, Susie Graham got engaged to her wonderful boyfriend, John of 5 YEARS on Friday night!  Congratulations to them!  Can't wait to help plan the big day! :)

So I decided that I was going to put up some lattice board on the lower part of the wall in the whole foyer.  I am so glad I did!  It looks awesome!  Here is a picture of the lattice board all put up before I did my touch ups with spackle and before I painted:

Looking pretty cool, huh?  Well just wait - Here is what it looked like after I spackled some spots (more on what I mean by that later..) and after I painted:

See??  I told you lattice and moulding can make a HUGE difference.  My husband was so impressed by my skills, he couldn't believe A. I knew how to do that and B. That it looks so professional!  Aww, thanks Hon!  He said he would become my manager once I got my own show on HGTV! Ha, we kid! :)  So this did take up a lot of my time on Saturday.  Started around Noon and had the first coat painted by 4.  Then had to stop and make dinner, clean up, clean Liam and put him to bed.  So finally around 9 pm I was able to paint the second and last coat.  2 coats is all it needed (thank gosh!)  

Sunday was pretty easy - Paint the one wall, brown.  That was easy and quick since the wall isn't huge.  That also took two coats.  Then it was cleaning up in there and sweeping and start to put everything together. 

Just as a refresher, let's look at what it looked like before:

 And here is the big reveal:

Ta-Da!!!  You likes??  We LOVE!  It turned out so well, I am so happy and so proud of myself!  Everything goes but isn't all necessarily all "matchy matchy".  The best part is that I really impressed my husband which is hard to do sometimes!  I hope you guys like!  I will be posting on another post some how to's and the break down of costs.  I was just SO excited to show everyone that I wanted to post this first!

Hope you enjoy! 

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