
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nursery Progress - Phase One Done!

Good Afternoon, Everyone!  I hope everyone had a great weekend and Monday. :)  Well Scott and I were able to get that disastrous 4th bedroom cleaned up and organized.  We finished it all yesterday while Liam was at school till 3:00 then finished it up when he got home.  It was a tedious project that Scott took the reins completely!  Which I appreciate :)  If you need a reminder, this is what it looked like before:

Wow.  It was bad.  Scott started by just making piles of everything before he pulled out all the storage boxes out of the storage closet.  So now there is actually room to walk.  We just started going through all the bins and boxes and tried to compile everything into the plastic bins and get them all labeled so we know what everything is.  Slowly things were coming off of the floor and into the bins and into the much organized finished attic closet (LOVE this thing).  The only reason this took some extra time was because I needed to find all my old baby stuff that I am going to need for our daughter.  We have several Good Will bags and of course lots of garbage bags.  

Here is what we have when we are almost done (sorry, forgot to take a half way shot):

Looking much better, huh?  So after some major dusting, sweeping (about 3 times & with the Swiffer!), magic erasing the walls & doors (yeah, the people who lived here before left major dirt all over the walls & doors),  we decided to go ahead and move the guest room furniture into the new guest room.  So now here is what our new guest room looks like!:

Pardon the un-made bed.  Still hanging just a few things up.

It looks so different and I feel so much better that we are done with Phase One.  There will be many phases I'm sure until this nursery is done.  Just for kicks, here is what the babies room looks like now:

Nice and empty.  Just those beautiful blueish/greenish walls that will be painted over very soon.  We are making a trip to Home Depot in the next day or so to pick out the paint color for the nursery.  It will be a beautiful light gray color.  Remember, nice and calm is what we are going for.  

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for Phase Two! :)


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