
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Adding some interest to a large wall

Hello Re-Stylin' Friends!

It feels like its been forever since I have posted something...Well, that's because it has been!  What a week we have had!  My little family went down to Florida to see our family for about 7 days for a nice, relaxing vacation on the beach and by the pool! :)

We got back very late Monday night (the 16th) and the next few days were spent catching up on things at the house.  Y'all know how that goes!  It took me a day or two to think about my next project.  I have about 40 that I am ready to start!  So I went ahead and started with the easiest (or so I thought) project.  My last post, seen here, was a sneak peek into our living/family room.  Well we have a pretty large scaled wall behind the bigger couch.  I really wanted to change out the wall paper hangings I had on the wall and really bring some color into the room and do something large scale.  So I decided to do a very cheap project that will really change the rooms feel (I hope!).  It's a simple project that uses painters tape and a sample jar of paint.  I created a very large box shape on the wall and traced it with painters tape.  Then I created a smaller box inside the big box, just to give it some depth.  Well here is the kicker...I painted it RED.  Our rug is red so I thought I should carry that color up to the wall.  I have already painted two coats and it still will mostly likely need another, if not ANOTHER.  We shall see...

So to start, I simply just taped a huge square on the wall and then taped a smaller one inside the bigger one.  I wanted to add two just to give some nice interest.  I taped the outside square just to make it look nice and even.

Then I got to painting!  Like I said, I wanted a nice deep red color to match our gorgeous rug.  So after ONE coat of paint, this is what I got:

Ummm, GROSS.  After I saw this I knew I was going to need more sample paint!  So I did one more coat and I was right, I needed another can of sample paint! So off to Home Depot I went.  Came home and painted TWO more coats so after FOUR coats of red paint, we finally had the right shade of red.  The next step was pretty simple.  I snagged some super cheap, foam moulding at Home Depot for $2.09 for 8 feet.  I ended up needing about 4 8 feet strips, since my rectangle was a little bigger.  Once I got it home, I measured the moulding for how much I needed and all you do is simply snap the moulding where you need it!  It's foam so I actually just used my little exacto knife and made a small cut or line where I needed the cut then I snapped it and voila!  I then just nailed it on to the wall around my first square and I used little white nails so it wouldn't show the nails.  I did the same thing for the moulding on my inside box.  Here is my final product:

Ta-Da!!!  WE LOVE IT!  It really brings the room together and it was CHEAP.  My favorite word.  The art piece in the middle was from Home Goods and I had a gift card there and the piece only costs $19.99.  I was originally going to use some frames and just print some pictures to put in them to keep it free.  I chose this piece for the fact that it ties in our couches that are those same colors.

So here is the break down:
  • 2 cans of Behr sample paint: $5.90
  • 4 8 Ft. pieces of moulding: $8.36
  • 1 packet of white nails: $2.00
  • Art Work: FREE (Gift card @ Home Goods)
Grand Total: $16.26!!

So for less then $20.00 we added some visual interest to our large wall in our living room! Yay!

Thanks for reading and stayed tune for another fun moulding project I am just finishing! :)


  1. It looks great!! At first I thought the art work was a mirror, but seriously looks awesome. Red paint is a bear!!! I had a similar issue with my dark purple wall and my sister in law struggled with her dark red wall. But it's SOOO worth it after all those coats of paint!

  2. Thank you! My mom said the same thing - She thought it was a mirror too! It's just some canvas art, loved it & it just went perfectly. I have never painted anything red so I was totally naive thinking that only ONE can of sample paint would really work! I LOVED your dark purple wall! How many coats was that? You seriously need to call me sometime so we can catch up!
